
Intelligence Media Analytic




Monitoring system for all mainstream media, both online and print media, covers more than 3000 international, national and local media. Using artificial intelligence to carry out a complete analysis and study starting from the timeline, influencer, media, sentiment, comparison, and detailed tracing of news objects so that can be used for decision making on certain issues.

IMA has a main monitoring view (Dashboard) which summarizes most of the analysis features. This view ease the analyst / user to know the latest trends or developments in the latest issues with a short period of  time.

The dashboard provides a summary of the analysis results for specific topic. The analysis summary by this application can be used as initial information before going further into several analysis features of the application for later comparison with other analysis applications. On this dashboard, there are application analysis features such as media share, influencer, top person, mentions on social media, news exposure or mentions on social media, and sentiment.

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